Clean Water and NFI distribution improves lives for Halima Sanitation facility for Mzee Mohamed Success fodder distribution Agriculture and food security improved Huka fuel subsidy
Aridlife provided cash transfers ( MPCA) to 491 vulnerable households (4000 Beneficiaries) over 4 months at a rate of US $73 per month/cycle during the height […]
Aridlife facilitated water trucking to (34) villages (as crisis modifier) to Bardhere and Garbaharey and Elwak benefitting 6800 households (20,400 beneficiaries) during the 2021/2022 drought We […]
Health and nutrition outcomes in Mandera County are the lowest in the country. Aridlife responded to the water and health crisis in Mandera County during the […]
Printed and disseminated IEC materials at household and community levels to promote key hygiene practices and distributed Markets, Socials places, and schools across Elwak, Bardhere and […]
Under the sector, Aridlife trained (30) farmers in appropriate crop protection practices, Provided 30 households input vouchers for mechanized tillage focused on opening new land for […]
Aridlife employed multi-sector approach to deliver comprehensive and integrated interventions to vulnerable individuals and households utilizing field assessments, context analysis and participatory rural appraisal methods to […]