Resilience Building & Climate Change Adaption
Recurrent conflicts and famines, chronic underdevelopment and environmental degradation in pastoralists’ areas have repeatedly weakened pastoralists’ resilience and undermined their livelihoods systems. Pastoral areas have increasingly become places of poverty and political unrest, and pastoralist groups recurrently suffer from high levels of malnutrition rates, persistent morbidity, and massive livestock losses
Our resilience building interventions aim at protecting livelihoods assets such as farmland and livestock asset, water infrastructure, environment and natural resources, and building human capital. Our interventions can contribute both to saving lives and to building resilience and addressing climate vulnerability. Our current interventions include
- Create awareness and develop Climate change adaptation action plans for communities to improve achievements of sustainable development on climate security, environmental conservation, livelihood diversification, prevention of natural resource conflicts, development of strategic water security
- To encourage income diversification and support alternative sources of livelihoods for pastoralist households. We train agro-pastoralists communities to adapt and pursue other forms of livelihoods such as irrigation farming, small scale trading and new animal husbandry.
- Encourage subsistence farming by proving farm tools, inputs, seeds, horticulture and fodder production, desilting of dams
- Rehabilitation of irrigation canals, agriculture support and providing seeds
- Capacity building for community animal health workers, health and hygiene promotions Livestock restocking, destocking, livestock vaccination
- Fodder production, desilting of dams and community animal health programs