
Natural disasters and in particular droughts have increased in frequency and intensity in the Horn of Africa region.  The challenges of recurrent droughts, sporadic flash flooding and sustained conflict often lead to a massive loss of livelihood assets, diminished food production, and a lack of opportunities to generate income, resulting in a chronic food crisis in the country. ARIDLIFE advocates for and implements the use of cash transfers, which families use to meet immediate food and non-food needs and to build their resilience, for example by protecting existing or replacing lost herds. We also provide ongoing support by distributing livestock, seeds and tools, providing training in livestock healthcare, and funding community-managed disaster risk reduction projects; Ongoing interventions include:
  • WASH program – Emergency water supplies to prevent distress migration and loss of life/livestock.
  • Multipurpose CASH transfer & CFW
  • Health & Nutrition including Supplementary Feeding programs
  • Hygiene and Sanitation Promotions
  • Agriculture and Food security
  • Resettlement support at IDPs including Shelter/NFI distributions
  • Establishing and protecting strategic water sources and building local capacity to monitor and respond to changing patterns of demand for water
  • Provision outreach services to GBV survivors, Hygiene promotion and distribution of NFI and sanitation kits.