Our Approach & Program Strategy.

Our Approach

ARIDLIFE implements programs directly and through community CBOs employing local knowledge and local staff to deliver context appropriate solutions; with the aim of empowering them thrive in their challenging environment. 

ARIDLIFE interventions are defined by two approaches:

  • Need based interventions – our humanitarian programs provide goods and service that the community lacks and/or has lost through natural and man-made disaster
  • Development/ Asset-based intervention – our development programs empower and build on what the community has in the form of assets and knowledge to build better and prosperous future.

Our Strategy

Aridlife employs multi-sector approach to deliver comprehensive and integrated interventions to vulnerable individuals and households. To reach the most vulnerable individuals in the community, we integrate gender, youth and marginalized household as principal participants of our need assessments.

Our community entry strategy utilizes field assessments, context analysis and participatory rural appraisal methods to understand community challenges and aspirations, and this in turn used to inform program development and delivery.

We build local partnerships that are inclusive, transparent, and does promote community empowerment and local ownership. This creates sustainable and durable improvements at individual, household and community levels, and strengthens their capacities to overtime future shocks.