Education, Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups

Frequent natural disasters dislocate families and households, making it difficult for children to remain in school, education facilities fall into disrepair and deserted, trained teachers migrate to locations of safety and opportunities to escape poverty through education is lost. Where schools remain open, classrooms are often overcrowded, inadequate water and sanitation facilities, all make it difficult for school enrollments and retention especially for Children from nomadic pastoralist families very difficult. Aridlife endeavors to rebuild education infrastructure and support education of vulnerable households through
  • Grants scholarships, school feeding programs and provision of education materials to rural schools. Other interventions include:
  • Promoting basic education and life-skills development among youth, women and pastoralist drop outs.
  • Literacy and skills development for women and other marginalized groups including girls and minority groups in the community. We support vocational training, micro-finance training and adult education programs to basic business skills to support urban poor
  • We support vocational training, micro-finance training and adult education programs to basic business skills to support urban poor.